I absolutely adore photographing the fairer sex. Women each have such a unique wonderfulness about them and I truly believe that our femininity and special beauty should be celebrated.
Michelle is so utterly beautiful both inside and out. She is one of those women that you feel drawn too…she has a big personality, a big smile, and big hugs. I photographed her under some breathtaking trees in San Louis Obispo, California where she goes to school. I had such a blast and came away with some images that I found to be absolutely lovely. 🙂

Back in Tim’s class you took a photo of youself with your eye closed. Ever since then, I couldn’t imagine one of your shoots with out at least one image like that! Love your work! Can’t wait to see your next post from Seattle!
Aw thank you so much! That really means a lot to me! It’s funny because I truly do have a shot like that for EVERY single shoot, and it’s always my favorite 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. Much love!