“Life is full of beauty, Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, the smiling faces. Smell the rain and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential and fight for your dreams.” -Ashley Smith
Just another WordPress site
Today the skies were stormy, waves were crashing, and the wind was blowing. In other words today was a beautiful day. I got in a car with Lauren (the lovely model in this image) and we drove for miles and miles on a quest to find a Chick-fil-A. We talked about dreams and passions, love and life. We talked and talked and talked. We both laughed, I cried. We listened to songs about happy endings and fist bumped to crazy techno music.
The other day I was almost hit by a car while I was walking accross an intersection. Since I am a walking cliche it made me think about my life and how lucky I am to be doing what I love and how lucky I am to have so many people who support me and love me. Lauren is one of those people 🙂