The other day I was eating dinner with my boyfriend’s family at Outback and his Grandpa turned to me and asked if I liked to dance. My eyes lit up and I responded eagerly, “Yes! I love to dance”. It’s true I love it, I’m actually an awful dancer. I’m very awkward and I mostly just jump around and wave my arms in the air (haha). But I love it despite being horrible at it. There is something so magical about being at a show and feeling the music reverberate in your chest. Something about letting your body move in synch with the ebb and flow of a song made for moving your feet. Something about the way the music takes over every particle of your body if you just close your eyes, open your heart and let it in. Daft punk said it best…”The music’s got me feelin’ so free, I’m gonna celebrate, celebrate and dance so free!”
I was inspired by how music and dancing makes me feel when we were assigned to shoot a product and an lifestyle image to sell that product. I chose headphones as my product and the following is the result of the lifestyle shoot. A big thank you to Liz Ortega, she was a wonderful model and was so patient through all the hair tossing 🙂
P.s. I’ve been neglecting this poor blog terribly! I apologize! I have been uploading more frequently to my fan page for my photo of the every few days project so check it out =D.!/pages/Kiana-McCrackin-Photography/188823043145