Hi, I’m Kiana and I’m Addicted to Caffine

This was my introduction at the T.C.A  (Too Caffinated Anomynous!) group meeting. I decided after inhaling 19 shots of expresso in 3 days that I really needed help….KIDDING! (about the getting help thing not the 19 shots, 3 days thing)

In real life however, my family pulled an intervention. They decided that I could only have one shot of expresso and I had to eat first. As I sat in the drive thru for Dream Acres Expresso the lady asked if I wanted more then one shot. I stared back glumly and said “Yeah, but I’ve been intervened on.” I think she thought I was crazy, she was definatly confused.

Thankfully, my co-worker (Ashley) is also a caffine addict. Starbucks is in fact the reason we got through most of our work days. =) Plus were so much more fun when we have caffinated bloodstreams. Here are some shots of her craziness via starbucks drink.

p.s. Check back for pictures from an amazing photo shoot I did with Ashley!




2 Replies to “Hi, I’m Kiana and I’m Addicted to Caffine”

  1. these pictures are AMAZING Kiana! i love the starbuck ones so much. your going to do so well in photo school. i can’t wait to see more of your work!

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